Spartanburg, South Carolina
January 29, 1981
Charleston Southern University
Dad and Mom, Ralph and Sherry Jett; my older sister Carrie and brother-in-law
Gary; and my precious two year old nephew, Connor.
my kitty Gracie
Favorite Bible Scripture:
Psalm 63
Spiritual Influence:
Steven and Holly Furtick - God brought them to me during a very crucial
time in my life. Stacie Cloud - College roommate, helped take me to a different level with my relationship all by her example.
And of course, my parents and grandparents.
Last Book Read:
A Life That God Blesses by Jim Cymbala
Hymn Most Associate With the Church:
Just As I Am
First Live Performance:
Preschool Graduation - My Friend, Tina, and I had to sing some song for
the closing. Then I jumped off the stage instead of taking the stairs.
I'd be rich if I had a quarter for every time I was told:
"You look just like your dad" and "How does such a huge voice come out of
such a small person?"
If I weren't a singer I would be:
a Christian counselor or a coach